Femmes dans le Nouveau Testament etc... (liste des sous-thèmes)
Femmes dans le Nouveau Testament et les 1ers siècles du Christianisme
(chacun des thèmes présents dans cette liste fera l'objet (le moment venu) d'un développement fondé sur les travaux de Bart Ehrman. Cette liste renvoie à certaines pages de son blog, presque quotidiennement alimenté. Blog qui comporte près de 1500 unités.
Pages de son blog abordant la question
02 - 106 The Gospel of Jesus's wife
02 - 120 The women at the empty tomb
02 - 123 The Gospel of Jesus'wife - another new developmen
02 - 128 Women who did not doubt the resurrection
02 - 175 The women in Matthew's genealogy
04 - 341 Women in the churches of Paul
04 - 342 Women in the ministry of Jesus
04 - 343 Jesus's association with women
04 - 344 Paul, the pastorals and women
04 - 345 The npn-Pauline oppression of women
04 - 346 Male domination in Antiquity
04 - 347 How women came to be silenced
06 - 479 Was Jesus married?
06 - 480 Jesus and Mary-Magdalene
06 - 481 Jesus and marriage - an actual argument
06 - 482 A married Jesus and celibate priests
06 - 483 Jesus and sexuality
06 - 484 Mary-Magdalene in various guises
06 - 485 Mary-Magdalene as a prostitute
06 - 487 Jesus kissing Magdalene
07 - 524 Women at the tomb
07 - 555 More on Jesus wife
08 - 608 After the NT - Women in early Christianism
08 - 609 More on women in early Christianism
09 - 713 A newly discovered Gospel : was Jesus married with children?
09 - 743 Why was Jesus born of a Virgin in Matthew and Luke?
09 - 744 Does Mark'Gospel implicitly deny The Virgin birth?
09 - 745 The Virgin birth and the Gospel of John
09 - 746 Widespread claims of Pagan Virgin births
09 - 747 Miraculous (not virgin) births in ancient pagan texts
10 - 749 The virgin birth and Jesus's brothers
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