Poétesses d'expression française (du Moyen-Age au XXème siècle)

Poétesses d'expression française (du Moyen-Age au XXème siècle)

iCloud Photo Library cannot download photo in iOS 8.3. Why?

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I am in the process of uploading all of my photos to iCloud Photo Library from my MacBook. It has finished about 3500 out of 8000. Goal if I try to view a picture on my iphone (5s iOS 8.3) it says "Can not Download Image.
There Was an error downloading this photo from your iCloud Photo Library. Please try again later" . All the low reolution thumbnails are there, but it's just a matter of time. It only happens when I'm on my mobile network, it works just fine. Does anyone have a fix for this issue? 

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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